Oxhey Jets Health and Safety Policy Action Plan Covid 19 following FA guidance.
Our Covid-19 Risk Assessment Officer is Phil Andrews.
Phil has produced the following risk assessment and guidelines involving various members of Oxhey Jets FC and liaising with Hertfordshire FA and Spartan South Midlands Premier.
Social Club
- The Club house has been deep cleaned and excess furniture removed. Seating pods have been established to comply with social distancing and the capacity of the club is limited to 60 persons. With a maximum of 6 persons per pod no furniture can be moved. Seating has also been arranged in the outside area along similar lines, however should it rain and the club is at capacity persons outside may not enter the club. Club will be cleaned after each use.
- Hand sanitiser dispensers have been placed at the entrance and exit the (fire escape door) in all three toilets and staff have access to sanitiser behind the bar. These will be checked no later than weekly and replaced as required.
- Temperature testing and recording of details of those entering are conditions of entry.
- As waiter service is not possible a queuing area has been established for the bar, which will accommodate a maximum of two customers at a time.
- Children are required to remain with their parents and should remain seated.
- Notices are displayed informing customers of the clubs requirements in respect of conditions of entry.
- In regard to the Toilets customers are asked to wherever possible use toilets one person at a time. Wash and sanitise hands after use.
- Customers are required to place used glasses and bottles to the area set aside at the side of the bar.
Football Training
- In respect of training all equipment including balls will be cleaned before and after use by the coach. Training will be in compliance with the present FA guidelines, which permit a group of up to 30. At the present time no showers or changing facilities are available at the club. Players should attend changed and shower at home. Hand sanitiser will be available at all training sessions and players will be temperature tested before taking part. All players should provide their own labelled water/drink container. Lists of those taking part and contact details will be kept in accordance with guidelines.
- Players are encouraged to travel separately wherever possible and if a car share is used then the current guidelines on face masks and window opening among others must be followed.
- If training is moved to the club’s own pitch then the same rules as above will still apply. Any use of changing facilities will be via rear entry and exit door only.
- All players and coaches are reminded that they should self assess before attending training or matches. This means if you have a temperature above 37.8, a new continuous cough and loss or change to sense of smell or taste you should not attend.
Football Matches.
- All equipment will be cleaned before and after any game.
- Balls will be disinfected at suitable intervals during a match.
- Any ball leaving the pitch will be disinfected before returning to play.
- Extra seating for substitutes and officials will be provided in the area between the dugouts off the pitch.
- Each player will have their own labelled water bottle.
- Hand sanitiser will be available in each dugout.
- All players and officials will have their name and contact number recorded.
- If and when spectators are permitted guidelines will be followed.
Use of changing facilities
- Entry and exit to changing facilities will only be via the rear door.
- If changing facilities are needed then a limit will be set upon numbers in dressing rooms at any one time. This is limited to 5 persons using away changing facilities and 6 in Home changing facilities at any one time.
- In regard to match officials only one person can use their room at a time. If necessary the multi gym will be used as additional space and if required at half time.
- Use of showers will be limited to five players at a time.
- Kit will be collected and laundered as at present.
- All team briefings will be conducted outside.
- Substitutes warm up area to be confirmed with match officials.
Visiting Officials
- The Director’s room is too small for use at this time and an area near the director’s room will be set aside for use.
- The policy will be updated in line with FA and HSE guidance a matters progress.
Pre Match Briefing
- All players and official signed in.
- Use of changing facilities and showers.
- Equipment disinfected.
- Use of additional substitutes area.
- Use of hand sanitisers.
- Water bottles.
- On pitch celebrations.
Risk Assessment Audit – Oxhey Jets